No Fee Unless You Win
The trial lawyers at Gage Mathers Law Group win jury verdicts and obtain settlements in virtually every case. Our lawyers’ efforts have earned clients throughout Arizona and around the world hundreds of millions of dollars. Our lawyers routinely obtain incredible results for clients through smart, aggressive advocacy. We have some of Arizona’s highest jury verdicts for personal injury cases.
Disclaimer: Cases and matters referenced above do not represent our entire record of results. There are far too many to list. Individual results will vary since each case is unique and must be evaluated on its own merits. Our past results are not intended to suggest future results and we cannot guarantee clients a positive outcome, but we can promise to work hard to get our clients the results they deserve.
Disclaimer: Cases and matters referenced above do not represent our entire record. Also, each case is unique and must be evaluated on its own merits. Our past results are not intended to suggest future results and we cannot guarantee you a positive outcome, but what we can promise is to work hard to get you what you deserve.
If you or a loved one has been seriously injured, please fill out the form below for your free consultation or call us at (602) 258-0646
2525 E Arizona Biltmore Cir #A114, Phoenix, AZ 85016
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