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Whiplash injuries are a common result of car accidents, and navigating the aftermath can be overwhelming. This is why it’s important to understand the essential details laid out in this whiplash injury guide.
Whether you’re dealing with pain, medical expenses, or filing a claim, having the right information can make a significant difference in your recovery. Additionally, if your injuries are severe or long-lasting, consulting with a whiplash injury lawyer can help you understand your rights and ensure that you get the compensation you deserve. Seeking legal advice early in the process can prevent costly mistakes, so it’s crucial to know your options.
Whiplash occurs when a person’s head is suddenly forced backward and then forward, but it also occurs when the head goes forward and then back. The rapid motion puts the neck and cervical spine through extreme stress.
Whiplash commonly occurs following a rear-end car accident. Other potential causes include sports injury (e.g., football, skiing, horseback riding), assault, bungee jumping, rollercoaster, and other high-impact activities. Essentially, whiplash can occur from any activity that features extreme acceleration-deceleration forces on the head and neck. As a result, the muscles and ligaments of the neck extend beyond their normal range of motion stretching, and potentially tearing, soft tissue.
We mostly see whiplash injuries from car accidents where our client is stopped when they are hit from behind. The impact causes the car seat to push against the client’s back. This causes a jolt to the spine and accelerates the body forward; however, the head is not usually in contact with the seat, so its movement lags. As a result, the cervical spine’s natural C-shape temporarily becomes an unnatural S-shape. These abnormal compression and shearing forces can potentially damage intervertebral discs, facet joints, and other neck structures. The head will usually slam backward into the accelerating seat causing the soft tissues in the front of the neck to be injured as they rapidly extend. The head bounces off the seat and accelerates forward. The seatbelt magnifies this movement by restraining the body, allowing the head to whip forward and rapidly flex the neck. Soft tissues in the back of the neck are injured as they rapidly flex.
Generally, the severity of the car crash usually correlates to the severity of the whiplash injury. However, even “minor” impacts that show almost no visible car damage can cause whiplash—this is usually because the vehicle is sturdy enough to minimize crush damage. Still, as a result, the crash forces that are not absorbed are transferred through the seat and into the passengers. Whiplash injuries do occur in crashes with speeds less than 10 miles per hour.
The most common symptom of whiplash is neck pain and stiffness, which causes a reduced range of motion in the head-neck-shoulder regions. Other common symptoms include:
Some people may experience:
These symptoms, in turn, can cause increased social isolation.
Significantly, whiplash symptoms are often delayed, and you may not notice anything until hours or even days later. This delay may occur because of adrenaline or other factors that cannot be predicted (i.e., different people have different pain thresholds, inflammation occurs at different rates, and other biological factors).
Anyone in a car crash, even if they only have minor symptoms at first, is advised to see a doctor. See your primary care doctor or an urgent care clinic if you’ve been in a car accident and have any whiplash symptoms. Immediately go to the emergency room if the pain is severe. A prompt, accurate diagnosis is critical to rule out broken bones or other serious injuries. You should expect your doctor to conduct a physical exam and order imaging studies (e.g., X-ray, MRI, or CT scan). Once more serious injuries are ruled out, or resolved, your doctor will recommend a treatment plan for whiplash.
Most people who suffer from whiplash will completely recover within 3 months, with minimal to no lasting effects. However, there are many people who develop chronic pain or other symptoms that may linger for months to years. No one can predict who will completely recover and who will develop long-term problems, but you may be more likely to develop chronic pain if your first symptoms were intense, started rapidly, and included:
Additionally, factors that increase the risk for a worse outcome include:
Whiplash injuries can also accompany concussions and mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI). Concussions and mTBIs do not go away quickly or easily. Even if the symptoms do not seem severe, these are potentially life-altering injuries, so you should see a doctor as soon as possible—without delay.
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