No Fee Unless You Win
Anyone injured in an accident can contact an experienced Phoenix motorcycle accident attorney, like Gage Mathers. Our team has been winning motorcycle and car accident settlements for decades. This article will examine the process of reaching a settlement and the factors that determine settlement amounts.
The average settlement for a motorcycle accident can be significant, ranging from tens of thousands to millions of dollars. They are based on factors such as the severity of injuries and future expenses related to the accident.
After an accident, bills start adding up immediately. An ambulance ride alone can cost thousands of dollars. At the hospital, costs can quickly balloon to six figures or more, and medical bills are just one part of the equation. Here is how a lawyer can help after a motorcycle accident to get you the money you deserve:
Depending on your salary and savings, inability to work because of an accident can quickly lead to financial ruin. The party at fault and their insurance company are the ones responsible for paying it back.
Lost wages can cause a cascading effect of unpaid bills that rack up additional late charges. Services can get cut off, and you may even be sued by entities trying to recover unpaid loans. The cost of lost wages and bills suffered as a result of not working can be recovered as part of a settlement.
Past wages aren’t all that is recoverable. Motorcycle accidents can be particularly serious and life-threatening. Physical disabilities and traumatic brain injuries are commonplace. Severe conditions may even necessitate at-home care for the remainder of a person’s life.
The cost of this care might seem incalculable. It’s important to make sure that insurance companies don’t only pay for the initial hospital bill. They are responsible for the life-changing consequences of an accident.
The costs of future care aren’t the only considerations that go into a settlement. Money for pain and suffering is often a part of compensation. While no amount of money can bring back the joy taken from a person’s life, courts try to accommodate this.
The state of Arizona has no cap on the amount of pain and suffering damages that may be awarded. The size of the settlement should accurately reflect the amount of damage that has been done to a person both physically and mentally.
The following may be considered part of pain and suffering damages:
The amounts awarded in pain and suffering damages can be substantial, sometimes making up a majority of the award money. Proper medical documentation and testimony from medical experts can help increase these amounts.
In a serious accident, vehicles are often totaled. Depending on the vehicle’s make, model, and year, this can result in large awards.
Regardless of what type of vehicle was lost, those filing suits need to be adequately compensated. After examining the type of vehicle and whether or not the vehicle is a total loss, estimates can be made regarding its replacement value.
It is difficult to try and pin down an average settlement amount for an accident. Less serious accidents typically range from ten to a hundred thousand dollars. For serious accidents, award amounts can be in the millions of dollars. This is especially true if the person injured or disabled was the family’s primary breadwinner.
Clients often ask how long a motorcycle accident lawsuit takes. Professional lawyers can help make sure the process goes as quickly as possible, but negotiations can take months or sometimes years.
Here at Gage Mathers, we’ve represented clients from all walks of life affected by accidents. To date, our firm has collected over $275 million in award money for our clients. With Gage Mathers by your side, you can rest assured you are in good hands when it comes to your accident settlement!
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