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Drivers in Arizona are not to travel so far below the speed limit as to impede the normal flow of traffic. Slow driving is a safety risk, but it should be kept in mind that other motorists will react to these slow drivers in equally, if not more, risky ways. For example, tailgating and quickly passing on the right are dangerous and can very well lead to an accident.
When faced with a slow driver in the left-hand lane of the highway, one should try to wait a minute and see if that driver will change lanes. If the driver seems oblivious, then one can flash the headlights, and if this fails, one can calmly tap the horn.
Slow driving is especially dangerous when it’s linked to distracted driving. Those using their phone behind the wheel will naturally become oblivious to their speed and to their surroundings. Phones, according to the National Safety Council, reduce activity in the parietal lobe by 37%. It’s with this part of the brain that drivers can make judgments based on what they perceive.
Others may drive out of unfamiliarity with the area, such as tourists, or out of lack of confidence, as with newly licensed drivers. Seniors are also known to drive slow, sometimes because of conditions like arthritis, which stiffens the joints.
The important thing, though, is that both slow and aggressive driving are forms of negligence. When both types of drivers are involved in car accidents, there can be some question as to who was predominantly at fault, and this will affect the chances that victims have of filing a personal injury claim. Those who believe they have the grounds for a claim may speak with a lawyer. If the case is strong, the lawyer may start building it up.
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2525 E Arizona Biltmore Cir #A114, Phoenix, AZ 85016
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