No Fee Unless You Win
Being attacked by a dog can be a traumatic event. The circumstances surrounding a dog bite–such as the severity of the injuries, state laws, and likelihood of recovery–will influence the settlement offered by insurance companies. However, the Insurance Information Institute reports that insurers paid more than $1.13 billion in dog-related claims in 2022. The average claim in 2022 was around $65,000.
The number of dog bite claims decreased slightly between 2021 and 2022, although the total amount of these claims paid increased by 28%. The average amount paid increased from $49,00 to $65,000 during this period.
A Phoenix dog bite lawyer from Gage Mathers can walk you through the process of figuring out how much money your claim may be worth and explain how to negotiate a dog bite settlement.
Many dog bites result in minor injuries, but some dog breeds have jaws powerful enough to tear through flesh and crush bones, which can lead to life-altering injuries and even death.
As tempting as it may be to play with a dog you just met, it’s important to remember that they are animals and can be unpredictable. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about forty-three people die each year as a result of a dog bite.
It’s better to treat unfamiliar dogs carefully. Never approach a dog that is barking, growling, or seems scared. Always ask the dog’s owner if it’s okay to approach before you do so and never leave young children alone with a dog.
Settlements can range from a few thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars based on the circumstances and factors surrounding the case. These can include:
It’s important to get immediate medical attention if you are bitten by a dog. In addition, anyone who is a dog bite victim, a witness to a dog bite, or the owner or handler of a dog that bites someone is obligated by Arizona law to report the incident to local law enforcement.
Make a complete record of what happened immediately following the incident. Also, keep an ongoing file of the medical attention you receive, how the injury has impacted your life, the bills you’ve paid, and an estimate of the bills you will need to pay in the future.
To maximize the size of the personal injury settlement you receive, call the experts at Gage Mathers. There is a limit to the time you can wait before filing a personal injury lawsuit and you don’t want to miss your window of opportunity. We’re ready to help.
The experienced team at Gage Mathers will diligently advocate for your rights, navigate the legal landscape, and negotiate to the best of our abilities to get you the compensation you deserve. Call us now for a free consultation!
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